とっても小さな手毬のブックマーカー 小さな花 梅紫A very small temari ball bookmark small flowers wine-red
読んでいない時も本を楽しみたいあなたヘ はさむだけでなく、みて、かざって楽しむブックマーカーはいかがですか? How about using a bookmark that you can not only insert into a book to enjoy even when youre not reading it, but also look at and enjoy by displaying it?
まめつぶのように小さな手毬は、上品で可愛らしくみているだけであなたを笑顔に A small temari ball like a grain of bean, is elegant and cute, and just by looking at it, it will make you smile.
絹糸でかがった小花柄の手毬は、小さくても存在感があり、ペン立てや小物入れにかざるだけでより華やかな空間に A small temari ball with a small flower pattern created with silk thread has a presence despite its small size, and by simply displaying it in a pen stand or a small accessory case, it will add more color to your space.
本を読んでいる場所だけでなくあなたのお気に入りのワンシーンの目印にもなるブックマーカー。お気に入りの場所にはさんで本棚にしまえば、あはたの大切な物語がより素敵なものに A bookmark can not only mark your place in a book, but also serve as a reminder of your favorite scenes. By placing it in your favorite spot and storing it in your bookshelf, your precious stories will become even more beautiful.
上品で可愛らしいブックマーカーであなたを笑顔に、あなたの好きをもっと華やかで素敵なものに A bookmark that is elegant and cute will make you smile, and your favorites will become even more colorful and beautiful.
手毬は「良縁を結ぶ」などの意味を持つ縁起物。 あなたの大切な人へのプレゼントにもおすすめです。 Temari balls are lucky charms that symbolize meanings such as "forming good relationships". They are also recommended as a gift for your loved ones. 有料でラッピングも可能です。ご希望の方はこちらをご購入ください。 https://minne.com/items/36995841
色違いもありますのでよろしければそちらもご覧ください We also have different color variations available, so please take a look if you are interested. 桜ピンク(Cherry Blossom pink) https://minne.com/items/36149098
How about using a bookmark that you can not only insert into a book to enjoy even when youre not reading it, but also look at and enjoy by displaying it?
A small temari ball like a grain of bean, is elegant and cute, and just by looking at it, it will make you smile.
A small temari ball with a small flower pattern created with silk thread has a presence despite its small size, and by simply displaying it in a pen stand or a small accessory case, it will add more color to your space.
A bookmark can not only mark your place in a book, but also serve as a reminder of your favorite scenes. By placing it in your favorite spot and storing it in your bookshelf, your precious stories will become even more beautiful.
A bookmark that is elegant and cute will make you smile, and your favorites will become even more colorful and beautiful.
Temari balls are lucky charms that symbolize meanings such as "forming good relationships". They are also recommended as a gift for your loved ones.
We also have different color variations available, so please take a look if you are interested.
桜ピンク(Cherry Blossom pink)